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Improve your Vision – Natural Gateways

July 10, 2010

It has been said the eyes are the windows to the soul, but they also our windows to look out and observe the world. Eyes are important for seeing things, reading, working, and even communicating. The eyes are sensitive though, they work hard and they need time to rest and recover from the constant strain put on them.

Did you know that we can cure poor eyesight just by changing a few bad habits? We are extremely hard on our eyes and taking the time to practice relaxation exercises can help us see more clearly. Even if you have worn glasses for years or are prone to eye problems and eye disease, learning to take the strain and stress away from the eyes can cure all that.

Strain and stress are the main factors affecting poor eyesight.  Everyone is born with relatively good eyesight. Throughout our school age years we are taught bad habits that cause our eyes to strain too much. Sitting in a classroom, constantly staring at a blackboard, books, or paper all day leaves our eyes tired and stressed. There is no time between classes or subjects to relax the eyes and give them a few moments of rest. These habits carry over to our adult lives and we do the same thing at work day in and day out.

The body gives out signals when it needs rest. If we spend too much time on household chores the back starts to hurt and the arms get tired. These signals tell us to take a break, lie down, or just relax for few minutes. Likewise, they eyes can tell you when they need a break as well. The head may start hurting, the eyes start to burn a little, or a slight twitch may develop in one or both eyes. These are signs that the eyes need to rest.

Resting the eyes is as simple as finding a quiet place, relaxing the mind, and closing the eyes so they can re-energize.  Bad eyesight doesn’t have to happen. We can take steps today to develop the habits that will increase our eyesight for the rest of our lives.

A Basic Explanation of Strabismus.

May 26, 2010

There are many eye issues out there. Some are well known, such as astigmatism, and others are not so well publicized. Strabismus is an eye problem that is more commonly known as cross-eyed or lazy eye. Strabismus can be either of those problems and this problem can be healed without the use of artificial lenses like glasses or contacts.

Simply put, Strabismus is the inability of both eyes working together to focus on an object. To see things clearly, both eyes need to focus on the object. This process takes a lot of mental focus and can be straining if one tries too hard. The eyes need to work together to get the distance correct and look at an object at the same time.

If we lose concentration, the eyes will actually do their own thing. One eye may be focused and the other is off in its own world refusing to participate. We call it cross-eyed when one eye is focused and the other is turned out or slightly up or down. Lazy eye is when one eye takes longer to catch up to the other one.

When you are stressed, the eye muscles tense up and become strained. When the eye muscles are too tense, they may pull the eye in whatever direction they feel like. Sometimes Strabismus is more of an unconscious problem. Problems between the thoughts and feelings inside may cause one eye to look away. The left eye is the feeling side and the right eye is the thinking side. Depending on which eye is the lazy one, you may be able to figure out the inner conflict.

Children and adults who are diagnosed with Strabismus often also have symptoms of ADHD. These people have the hardest time finding stability and fight for attention between two people. These thought patterns can cause the person to feel out of control which will only worsen the problem.

One way to solve the Strabismus problem is to relax. Figure out what the inner conflict is all about and take steps to make peace. Relax and take time out for yourself, is the best cure for any vision ailment.

Read more about Strabismus…

Natural Eyesight Treatment – For Your Own Sake.

March 3, 2010

As a mother of 2 boys, I have always had a preference towards natural remedies and have researched many different issues as the need has arisen. One such need was poor, namely blurred, vision towards the end of the day.

I had spoken to several medical “experts” before deciding to research the problem for myself. One name that continually appeared during this research phase was Dr. William Bates. Because of the M.D. beside his name I continued to overlook reading the information about him until, while reading an article about natural eye treatment in the form of eye exercises, the penny finally dropped and I realized what it was that Dr. Bates suggested to rectify eye strain and tension.

Dr. Bates spent several years researching and producing a set of eye exercises that could be performed by even the very youngest of his patients. Strange, I thought, an experienced and qualified doctor who encourages natural therapy. Upon further digging I found that the man first initiated this system as far back as 1890.

Why, then, did he prefer this natural method over medication or corrective lenses? Apparently he had a conscience also. He realized that in order for corrective lenses to work for their user, the eyes needed to stay in that state of poor health. If the wearer discontinued using the corrective lenses for more than a few days, the eyes would actually try to improve themselves by adjusting their own focus automatically. This revelation led him to research more into what exactly caused the eyes to take this step towards their own improvement and developed a set of eye exercises that would streamline this healing process and bring about normal vision in a wide variety of different eyesight conditions.
Further experimentation and refinement led him to a complete system that can be used by anyone, even the very young, and can also be used by those people with good vision who suffered from problems such as headaches after focusing on a set task for long periods.

This system of eye exercises has actually been available to the general public for many years but has been kept under wraps, similar to how the petrol companies keep improvements in modern automotive technology quiet for as long as they possibly can.

I guess it makes good fiscal sense to them, but we are talking about our families health. It is not about a few dollars, it is about the permanent damage that some eye correction procedures can cause. Long term use of corrective lenses will only mean that the Bates method will take longer to help, but lazik surgery and similar procedures undertaken by thousands of people every week can actually cause serious long term problems. These problems will not be rectified by the Bates method, by the time you have undertaken that kind of operation it is too late for a natural therapy to help you.

better vision naturally

You owe it to yourself and your family to seriously consider natural remedies for as many general health problems as possible. There is no long term ramifications if natural therapy does not work for you, so why not use that alternative first. It makes sense to me.

Eye Exercise – Swinging the Eyes Will Assist Focus.

March 2, 2010

Simple eye exercises, performed morning and night, can lead to improved focus and remove the need for corrective lenses. Here is 1 such exercise to get you started.

Eye Exercises Will Improve Your Eyesight

Stress takes a toll on the body. It stimulates tension in the face, neck, shoulders, and spinal column. Tension for long periods of time may induce body aches and illness. Mental strain and stress impacts the muscles around the eyes also, causing poor vision and eye troubles.

Swinging is a process employed to relax tense muscles in the eyes, spine, shoulders, and neck. Swinging for merely five to ten minutes per day can immensely improve your wellness and eye vision. The technique is rather uncomplicated as well; anyone of any age could manage it.

First off, stand in front of a window with your back straight and feet shoulder length apart. Next, slowly rotate the upper torso to the right until you’re looking at the wall. Now, twist back the other way, past the window, until you are looking at the opposite wall. Replicate the procedure, swinging to and fro in a constant rhythm for 5 to 10 minutes. Each twist should take two to three seconds.

Although you are swinging your eyes are at ease. Look out the window and permit your eyes to travel slowly and naturally with the rest of your body. Do not attempt to concentrate on anything outside the window. Allow the view to move quickly back and forth ahead of you. As you start begin this exercise, your eyes will mechanically attempt to focus, a long time of bad habits.  Simply continue to relax and permit the images to blur before you.

The spine needs to stay upright and the arms should be easy at your side. This practice can help bring the spine back into shape and will improve your posture. There’s no requirement for constant chiropractic attention or workouts that demand too much discipline. This elementary swinging exercise embodies all the spine requires to remain flexible and in shape.

Use this swinging exercise in the morning and at night prior to bed. It will enable you to feel at ease making it a great way to begin and finish the day. You’ll sleep more peacefully at night because you are more at ease. The eyes shouldn’t strain too much during the day because they’re learning to relax and move around.

More Eye Exercises Can Be Found Here.

Cataracts – The Major Cause of Cataracts is Eye Stress.

February 24, 2010

Natural Visiion Enhancement

The eyes come with their fair share of problems and health concerns. One of the major ailments is cataracts. This happens with age; as the eye gets old the lens becomes weaker. Cataracts cause a cloudy spot on the lens or cornea and vision becomes blurry. The lens of the eye has become denser and loses the transparency it once had.

The first solution the eye doctor will give is surgery. Surgery is the only way to fix the problem; or so you have been told. They will wait until the cataract is big enough to remove with surgery. The whole left in the eye will be replaced with a plastic lens so you can see once again. This process is expensive and may only work for a short while before coming back in another area of the eye or the other eye.

The number one cause of cataracts is stress. Most people who get cataracts have gone through some seriously stressful situations or life a high stress life. They never take the time to relax and are always on the go. Another cause is a poor diet, high in cholesterol and carbohydrates and low in vitamins and fruits or vegetables.

You can reduce the risk of cataracts today by learning to relax the eyes and eating a more healthy diet. Choose foods that are high in Vitamins A-E and increase the amount of fruits and vegetables you eat. Try to live a healthy lifestyle which includes regular exercise, no smoking, and little to no alcohol consumption.

Exercise is a great way to reduce stress and mental strain. Find the time to exercise at least every 5-6 days; even a brisk walk around the block is better than nothing. Take some time for yourself and relax. Lie out in the sun after work and close your eyes for 10-15 minutes as often as possible. Move things off the ‘to do’ list that can wait and don’t require immediate attention. Learn to say ‘no’ and try not to take on more than you can handle.

Avoiding stress and strain in your life can help improve your eyesight naturally. Cataracts are caused from too much strain and living a stressful live, so do your eyes a favor and relax.

For More Information Click Here.

Heal Glaucoma Naturally.

February 23, 2010

Improve your eyesight naturally

Everyone has heard of Glaucoma, but what is it exactly? Glaucoma is a condition caused by excess pressure to the eyeballs. Although it sounds painful, most people have no idea they even have it. Glaucoma is scary because by the time the first symptoms show up it is too late to do anything about it. Once the downhill spiral begins, there is nothing anyone can do to stop it.

The first symptoms of Glaucoma are tunnel vision and the narrowing in the field of vision. This quickly moves into the final stages of Glaucoma which is permanent blindness.

The main causes of Glaucoma are poor circulation around the eyes, plugged channels, and poor drainage. These symptoms are caused by too much stress, strain, outside stressors, and too many toxins in the body.

The only cure for Glaucoma is to give medication for the tension or to drain the fluid from the eyes. These are both quick fixes and they only work to relive the symptoms, not the problem. Most people will still end up with blindness. These fixes just prolong the inevitable for awhile longer.

Glaucoma is usually caused by stress and once diagnosed with the disease the stress doesn’t stop. In most cases, the stress only becomes worse. Now people are anxious and nervous and scared of the blindness. Fear of the unknown and worry starts to consume their daily life, only adding to the stress and strain on the eyes. In the end, they are only making the symptoms worse instead of taking steps to try and fix the issue.

Anyone who suffers from Glaucoma should seek medical attention because if left undetected permanent blindness will happen. However, you can take steps to cure your eye ailments yourself by learning to relax the eyes. Take the time each night to fully relax before going to sleep. While lying in bed with your eyes closed, picture your muscles relaxing from your head down to your toes. Concentrate especially on relaxing those muscles around the eyes. Fully relaxing before falling asleep will ensure a better night’s sleep and waking up refreshed.

Glaucoma may be a scary thought, but by learning to relax the eyes you can take natural steps to cure the ailment.

Want all the details? Go To Better Vision Naturally.

How to Protect the Eyes from Glasses or Contacts.

February 19, 2010

Improve Your Eyesight Naturally

The eyes are one of the most important of the five senses. We need them to see and enjoy the world around us. They allow us to read and get work done. They help remember images we once saw, and they keep our dreams alive at night. The eyes are also sensitive and vulnerable to outside damage. They are one of the few organs that are on the outside of the body, protected only by a thin layer of skin, the eyelids.

The sun is a powerful wonderful thing. The sun is great for your skin and gives us valuable Vitamin D. Each day find the time to spend at least an hour in the sun. The sun has great healing powers and the natural light is as important as food, water, and air. Never look directly at the sun; of course, it can burn the retinas. Wear some kind of protection like a visor or hat to protect the eyes

Televisions and computers are used in our daily lives but they are hard on the eyes. They force eyes to stare for too long and don’t offer the eyes enough movement. The distance and angle doesn’t ever change, so the eyes remain looking at a still object for too long. It is not always possible to avoid the television or computers, especially computers. Look away every so often and focus on things far away to give your eyes a chance to move and adjust. Try not to spend the entire day in front of the television or at least let your eyes wander during commercials.

Reading is never harmful for the eyes, but it helps to enjoy what you are reading. The eyes will be more relaxed when reading a novel than when reading a text book full of new information. Learning to relax no matter what the subject is the key to enjoying reading. Dim lights and small print may be problematic at first, but the eyes will adjust when relaxed. Reading in bed can be relaxing and reading while driving doesn’t have to make you sick.

The eyes are sensitive organs, but learning to relax and keep them protected can ensure great vision for a long time.

For More Information, Go Here.

Exercises for the Eyes.

February 17, 2010

Staring and straining or the worse things you can do to your eyes. After a long day at work, the eyes are tired and need to relax and renew to improve vision. The constant strain day in and day out does nothing but damage the eyes. Below are three exercises design to remove the eye strain.

The first exercise is the Dot exercise. To do this find a period or comma on the page and focus on making it as clear as possible. Stare at the period until it comes into focus. Chances are after a few seconds the period will actually become less clear and blurry.

Try relaxing your eyes. Close them for a minute and let them relax. Now look at the period without straining. Don’t stare; instead, let your eyes slowly move around the page, over and around the period. Don’t focus only on the period, the eyes need movement. Make sure to blink a bit. Try closing your eyes and picturing the dot and then look at it again. Once the eyes are relaxed it should be easier to see the period.

The second exercise is the Word exercise. Find a word on the page that is five or more letters long. Stare at the word so that all the letters are in view, but don’t move the eyes. Focus entirely on the whole word trying to get the best image in your head. Again, staring and concentrating hard is going to cause the word to blur.

Now, relax your eyes and allow them to move slowly over, around, and across each letter of the word. Blink. Allow the eyes to lead you; don’t force them to look at what you want. The word should be clearer when you look at it again. Letter the eyes move around is what will help them work best without the strain.

The third exercise is the Double Vision exercise. This exercise is meant to get your eyes to work together as a team. Most people use one eye to look at an object, while the other eye does its own thing. Squinting can help bring an object into focus with both eyes, but this causes unnecessary stress.  The trick is to relax the eyes, focus on the object in a calm way, and allow both eyes to focus together.

Learning exercises to relax the eyes is a great way to develop lasting habits and ensure great eyesight for years to come.

Find out more HERE.

Are Your Glasses Actually Hurting Your Eyes?

February 17, 2010

Improve Eyesight Naturally

Almost half the population in the world wears some sort of artificial lens, glasses or contact lenses. Artificial lenses may help improve your vision, but it is just a temporary fix. Glasses and lenses can never fix your eye problems. Artificial lenses can help you see things more clearly, but they are mainly for the symptoms of eye problems and do not cure the actual ailment.

The main problem with artificial lenses is they teach you bad habits and allow your eyes to work incorrectly. You quickly become dependent on the lenses and keep your eyes from healing themselves. If you can teach your eyes to be more relaxed, the need for glasses and lenses would go away completely.

The main cause of most eye ailments is mental stress and strain on the eyes. The key is to learn how to avoid strain in the first place. That is not always possible, so learning new habits to deal with strain is the next step.

One of the largest problems with artificial lenses is finding the perfect prescription. Your eyes are constantly changing. Many things play a factor in how well you can see. Weather, health, mood, distractions, and outside stressors all play a part in your vision. When it’s sunny and bright out our moods are usually better and so is our eyesight. For a doctor to find the perfect prescription is impossible. You may go to the doctor when you are in a bad mood and its dark and rainy out. Your prescription will reflect this making them not work at all when you are happy and it’s bright out.

Try going without your glasses for a few weeks and see what happens. You may be surprised at the results. Of course at first things may be blurry, but once your eyes start to adjust to a life without artificial lenses things will become clearer. The trick is to make sure you are free of too much mental strain. Try some relaxation techniques and rest your eyes when things start to get out of focus.

Wearing artificial lenses can make our eyes lazy and teach us many bad habits. Concentrate on fixing the problem of mental strain and don’t just cover up the problem.

More Information Here.

Scientifically Proven – As Seen on T.V.

February 16, 2010

“If glasses are worn continuously over time the poor vision will generally become worse. Essentially what glasses do is lock the eyes into their refractive state and in order to see through your lenses you have to maintain the poor vision that the lenses are designed to correct.”

Does that make sense to you?

It has been scientifically proven that eyeglasses and contact lenses do nothing to improve eyesight – quite the opposite. Glasses and contacts treat the symptoms, not the cause of your poor vision.

It is now possible to throw away your glasses and contact lenses – FOREVER. Simple exercises and a daily routine will have you getting through the day without glasses in a few short weeks.

Imagine the money you will save! No more glasses to pay for – EVER. No more visits to the eye specialist – EVER. That is potentially hundreds of dollars per year saved – EVERY YEAR from now on.

Can you afford not to go here?

throw those glasses away